My outlet for all my ranting...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

And There Was Verbiage...

After seeing a lot of blogs, I decided to start writing my own blog. I wanted to do it a little differently, write my own script, and host it onmy own page, etc. And like it is with most of my projects, it was a non-starter. Ob-la-di ob-la-da,life goes ooo-on, fra-la-la-la.

Anyway, let me start with a quote from Kill Bill Vol. 2:

"...I find the myth of Superman fascinating. He's different from the other superheroes in a very subtle way. Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne and the lot dress up to become Spiderman and Batman. But Superman dresses up to become Clark Kent. Peter Parker when he wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He needs the costume to become Spiderman. But Superman is Superman when he is awake and he needs the costume to hide himself. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the human race. That's how he sees us: weak, cowardly, stuttering...."

A very profound piece of dialogue, I must concede. And all his movies are like these, die-hard Quentin Tarantino fans assure me. Sorry, guys, I might be arbit junta but even I fail to see the point to his movies. He deserves to die just for inflicting True Romance on me. Though I'd like to meet his script-writer someday... and discuss his comic-book fetish.

Yup, the blog's going to be just like this, thoughts that filter through me, incidents that happen to me, people I meet, movies I watch, music I listen, anything anytime. And if you want to know my political inclinations, I don't have any. I don't argue about facts and I don't care for other's opinions. So there.

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